
康考迪亚大学欧文分校 护理程序 has one of the best reputations in the state of California and now offers a unique admissions pathway for incoming first-year students. 成功完成后,新生优势护理途径 保证提前接受 护理学加速学士学位 (ABSN)项目.

在这条道路上,你将在短短五年内获得两个学士学位. 不像其他护理学士课程, 我们的课程结构强调核心科学研究和原理, 然后是高度专注和严格的护理学第二学位(ABSN).

康科迪亚护士进入医疗保健与先进的知识和经验,使他们与众不同. 走这条路, you’ll begin your nursing career with a firm scientific foundation and nursing specialization that will establish you as an emerging leader and highly-skilled clinician.

的 新生优势护理途径 is not a degree program; it’s designed to equip and assist undergraduate students of any major in earning early acceptance into the ABSN program. 进入新生优势护理课程, you’ll submit a declaration of intent to your academic advisor during your first semester (Fall or Spring) of enrollment at Concordia.











护理是一项具有挑战性的工作, 奖励要求, 完成这条道路需要决心和承诺. 如果你符合所有的学术和个人要求 在你本科学位的整个过程中, 你将在加州最受尊敬的护理项目中获得一席之地.

Any deviation from these requirements will result in removal from the 新生优势护理途径 program. 如果你决定不继续或不再符合项目的要求, 你仍然可以继续你的专业并申请ABSN项目, 如果需要, 毕业后.


  • 保持最低累积平均绩点(GPA)为3.所有课程总分25分. You must meet this benchmark by the end of your freshman year and at the end of every subsequent semester thereafter.
  • 您必须完成ABSN计划的所有先决条件课程,最低累积GPA为3.0.
  • 你必须在每门课上都获得“B-”或更高的成绩 理科必修课程. 你的成绩必须在C以上 其他必修课程.
  • 如果有必要,你可以只重复四门科学前提课程中的两门.
  • Your completion of the prerequisite courses for the ABSN program must meet the following guidelines:
    • 所有科学预备课程必须在 欧文康考迪亚大学.
    • All non-science prerequisite classes that are not transferred at the time of admission must be completed at 欧文康考迪亚大学.
  • 你必须连续注册为全日制学生 欧文康考迪亚大学.
  • You must complete a minimum of 100 hours of qualifying patient care experiences prior to completing your undergraduate studies. 例如:注册护理助理(CNA), COPE健康亚洲体育博彩平台, 紧急医疗技术员(EMT), 医务助理(后勤), 医学的任务, 家庭健康助理, 物理治疗(PT)助手.
  • You must complete three interviews with the Nursing admissions committee before beginning the ABSN program. 在这些访谈中, you will be evaluated and must meet the “Average/Meets Standards” benchmark of the ABSN Interview Rubric.

对于这个项目, “Freshman” is defined as an incoming student who has completed less than 30 semester units at the time of undergraduate admission. 这些单位可能包括:ant210, 生物111, 格瓦拉于101年, COM 211, COM 261, m 265, 101, SOC 101, 关于102年.


Concordia nursing faculty are experts in their field and have dedicated their lives to advanced nursing studies and leadership. 的ir mission is to uphold the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to share the Gospel and care for all of God’s people through nursing research and education.

作为新生优势护理课程的一部分, 你将和其他衔接课程的学生一起参加社区会议, 学术顾问,与 护理项目的教职员工 在你的本科学习过程中. This is a unique opportunity to receive one-on-one guidance from 学术顾问 along with access to experienced nurses across a wide range of specializations (pediatrics, 肿瘤学, 手术, 分娩和分娩, 临终关怀, 紧急, 和一般做法).


Cheryl smyth - padgham, DNP, RN, WHNP-BC

副院长 & 护理主任

Dr. smyth - padgham在25年前开始了她的分娩护士生涯. She attained a Masters of Science in Nursing and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner license in 1992 and worked in both private and community care settings in Orange and Los Angeles counties practicing primarily in underserved communities in order to serve the needs of women, 母亲和婴儿. In 2009, she began her career in academia as a Concordia nursing faculty member and now proudly serves as the 副院长 and 护理主任 in the Concordia Department of Nursing.



副主任 & 护理学助理教授

Jennifer Dahl began teaching 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 in 2014 and currently serves as the Assistant 护理主任. She began her nursing career an 肿瘤学 nurse until she transitioned to the maternal-newborn population where she spent over 20 years as a 分娩和分娩 nurse. Professor Dahl has a love of the nursing profession and strives to educate students to be compassionate and holistic nurses who serve the population.


医疗保健经验对所有对护理事业感兴趣的学生至关重要. 作为新生优势护理课程的一部分, 您需要在医疗保健环境中完成至少100小时的工作.

我们的许多护理专业的学生都自愿或担任护理助理, COPE健康亚洲体育博彩平台, 紧急救护, 医疗助理, 家庭健康助手, 以及物理治疗助手. We also encourage participating in medical mission trips to uphold the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to share the Gospel and care for all of God’s people.


奥兰治县提供了许多获得医疗保健经验的机会. 这些资源将帮助你找到适合你的兴趣和经验水平的工作. 的 康考迪亚学生护理协会 也会在你追求这条道路的过程中提供一个支持性的社区.




关怀、同情、能力——这些都是康科迪亚护士的基本品质. 当康科迪亚的护士走进病人的房间时,她们会带来平静、自信和希望. 我们的护士了解医疗保健的整体性质和部长的思想, body, 和病人的精神.

康科迪亚护士接受过最新医疗保健研究和技术方面的培训, 临床技能, 专业策略. 的y are equally comfortable and accomplished in handling resource management and conducting research as they are in providing patient care.

当你成为康科迪亚的护士, 你加入了一个医疗保健专业人员的团契,他们履行了他们的呼召,以恩典服务, 情报, 和韧性.



